
Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology 4th Edition PDF

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The fourth edition of Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology retains the book’s sterling reputation in the field and provides advanced psychology students with a thorough examination and critical analysis of the current research in the psychology of physical activity. This revitalized text, known in its first three editions as Advances in Sport Psychology, uses a traditional textbook approach, appropriate for advanced classes, as opposed to an informal handbook style. Longtime editor and author Thelma Horn is joined by a new coeditor, Alan Smith, as well as new and returning contributors (55 in all), including many of the most prolific researchers and scholars in the field.

As the updated title indicates, this edition emphasizes exercise psychology constructs as well as sport psychology. The new edition highlights some of the career possibilities in health and wellness areas as well as some of the distinctions between sport and exercise psychology research. Further updates to this text include the following:

• Nine new and heavily referenced chapters, including Family Influences on Active Free Play and Youth Sport, Leadership in Physical Activity Contexts, and Youth Talent Development

• Refreshed theoretical and empirical data based on advances in the sport, exercise, and physical activity psychology field

• Expanded topics in exercise psychology, such as physical activity and mental health, physical activity and cognitive abilities, and health-based exercise motivation models

• Contemporary interest areas in sport psychology, such as perfectionism, passion, self-presentation concerns, stereotype threat, psychopathology issues in sport and exercise, positive youth development, sport talent development, and physical activity within specific populations

The reorganized text is divided into seven parts. Part I provides an overview of the field in the psychology of physical activity. Part II examines characteristics of people that can affect their behavior and psychosocial well-being in sport, exercise, and physical activity contexts. In part III, students learn about socioenvironmental factors that impinge on participants’ behavior and psychosocial well-being in sport and physical activity domains. Part IV explores psychological factors that can affect behavior and performance in sport and physical activity settings. In part V, students gain insights into the motivational models and theories regarding individuals’ behavior in sport, exercise, and physical activity contexts. Part VI discusses the links between sport, physical activity, exercise, and health. Part VII analyzes the concepts related to lifespan and developmental processes.

For instructors, Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology includes an image bank that houses nearly all the tables and figures from the book.

With its broad range of new and established content, its inclusion of exercise psychology constructs, and its addition of many new and bright voices, Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology maintains the standard of excellence set by its preceding editions.


Graduate text for research-oriented sport, exercise, or physical-activity-based psychology courses. Reference for researchers and practitioners.

Table of Contents




Part I: Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology

Chapter 1: The Nature of Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity Psychology

Chapter 2: Research Approaches in the Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity Field

Chapter 3: Applied Sport and Exercise or Physical Activity Psychology

Part II: Individual Differences in Behavior

Chapter 4: Self-Perception in Sport and Exercise

Chapter 5: Self-Presentation Concerns in Physical Activity and Sport

Chapter 6: Perfectionism in Competitive Sport

Part III: Socioenvironmental Factors

Chapter 7: Family Influences on Active Free Play and Youth Sport

Chapter 8: Peers and Psychological Experiences in Physical Activity Settings

Chapter 9: Leadership in Physical Activity Contexts

Chapter 10: Group Dynamics in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity Contexts

Part IV: Behavior and Performance

Chapter 11: Moral Behavior in Sport and Physical Activity

Chapter 12: Performance Anxiety, Arousal, and Coping in Sport

Chapter 13: Anticipation in Sport

Chapter 14: Exergames to Enhance Physical Activity and Performance

Part V: Motivated Behavior

Chapter 15: Achievement Goals in Sport and Physical Activity

Chapter 16: Self-Determination-Based Theories of Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity Motivation

Chapter 17: Developmentally Based Perspectives on Motivated Behavior in Sport and Physical Activity Contexts

Chapter 18: Public Health Perspectives on Motivation and Behavior Change in Physical Activity

Part VI: Health

Chapter 19: Physical Activity and Mental Health in the Era of Evidence-Based Medicine

Chapter 20: Disability, Physical Activity, and Psychological Well-Being

Chapter 21: Sports Medicine Psychology

Chapter 22: Athlete Burnout in Competitive Sport

Chapter 23: Physical Activity and Self-Management of Chronic Disease

Part VII: Lifespan and Developmental Issues

Chapter 24: Physical Activity and Cognition

Chapter 25: Youth Talent Development in Sport

Chapter 26: Positive Youth Development Through Physical Activity



About the Editors


Thelma S. Horn, PhD, is a professor and member of the graduate faculty at Miami University of Ohio. Horn is an editorial board member of several journals in the sport and exercise psychology and general psychology fields. She is a former editor and associate editor of the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology and was an associate editor for the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.

Horn received her PhD in psychology of sport and physical activity from Michigan State University. She earned a master of arts degree in coaching behavior from Western Michigan University at Kalamazoo and a bachelor of arts degree in psychology from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Besides being editor of the previous three editions of Advances in Sport Psychology, Horn has published many articles on topics within the psychology of sport and physical activity field. In 1999, she was co-winner of the research writing award from Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. Horn also was recently inducted as a fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology. In her free time, Horn enjoys reading, writing, running, and spending time with family and friends.

Alan L. Smith, PhD, is a professor and the chairperson of the department of kinesiology at Michigan State University. Smith has served as associate editor of the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology and on the editorial boards of Adapted Physical Activity QuarterlyChild DevelopmentInternational Journal of Sport PsychologyJournal of Applied Sport PsychologyKinesiology Review; and Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. Smith is a fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology (USA) and is a past president of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.

Smith received his PhD in exercise and movement science from the University of Oregon. He earned a master of science degree in exercise and sport science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and a bachelor of arts degree in psychology from the University of Rochester (New York).

Smith’s research addresses the link between young people’s sport and physical activity involvement and their psychological and social functioning. He is widely known for his research on peer relationships in the physical activity domain and the motivational implications of these relationships for children and adolescents. His work has been funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the U.S. Department of Education as well as other agencies. In his free time, Smith enjoys running and spending time with his family.

Product Details

Publisher: Human Kinetics

ISBN: 9781492559658


Page Count: 528

Book Format: eBook, PDF

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