
Developing Endurance 2nd Edition

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Endurance sports continue to grow in popularity, with millions of people participating in events each year. To sustain such prolonged activities, athletes need a high level of aerobic and muscular fitness that can only be achieved through a properly designed training program constructed to optimize endurance performance.

Developing Endurance, Second Edition, is your guide to developing effective endurance training programs. Written by 14 of the top National Strength and Conditioning Association experts, the book provides a physiological overview of endurance sports and explains how resistance, flexibility, and aerobic training all contribute to better performance.

You’ll find technique guidelines and photos for resistance training and plyometric exercises that are specific to endurance sports. Multiple tests for assessing aerobic endurance enable you to evaluate and monitor ongoing changes in performance. Plus, an updated chapter about warm-up methods and techniques as well as a new chapter about programming for obstacle course racing make this the definitive edition of this trusted resource.

With training programs for running, cycling, swimming, triathlon, and obstacle course racing, Developing Endurance takes the guesswork out of creating personalized training programs that help avoid plateaus and take performance to the next level.


Strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, endurance coaches, or other sport-related professionals who work with endurance athletes; reference for coaches and sports medicine professionals who work with these athletes.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Physiology of Endurance Sport Training
Chapter 2. Assessing Endurance Athletes
Chapter 3. Endurance Training Principles and Considerations
Chapter 4. Aerobic Endurance Development
Chapter 5. Exercise Technique
Chapter 6. Resistance Training for Endurance Sports
Chapter 7. Warm-Up Methods and Techniques
Chapter 8. Running
Chapter 9. Cycling
Chapter 10. Swimming
Chapter 11. Triathlon
Chapter 12. Obstacle Course Racing
Chapter 13. Overtraining and Recovery


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is the world’s leading organization in the field of sport conditioning. Drawing on the resources and expertise of the most recognized professionals in strength training and conditioning, sport science, performance research, education, and sports medicine, the NSCA is the world’s trusted source of knowledge and training guidelines for coaches and athletes. The NSCA provides the crucial link between the lab and the field.

Ben Reuter, PhD, CSCS,*D, ATC,
 is an associate professor in the department of exercise science and sport studies at PennWest University–California. He earned his doctorate in exercise physiology from Auburn University and his master’s degree, with an emphasis on athletic training, from Old Dominion University. He is also a certified strength and conditioning specialist, with distinction, and also holds the Certified Athletic Trainer credential.

Reuter is an associate editor for the Strength and Conditioning Journal, a journal of the NSCA. His research interests include injury prevention and performance enhancement for age-group endurance athletes. He has presented for several professional organizations regionally, nationally, and internationally, including a trip to China to present for the NSCA in the summer of 2009.

Product Details

Publisher: Human Kinetics

ISBN: 9781718206960


Page Count: 351

Book Format: eBook, PDF

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