
New Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training: An Illustrated Guide to Your Muscles in Action Including Exercises Used in CrossFit®, P90X®, and Other Popular Fitness Programs

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This book provides a magnificent visual insight into what happens to your muscles when you exercise. By understanding how your body responds to each movement, you’ll be able to isolate specific muscle groups and design the most targeted program possible.

Get an in-depth look into the most magnificent machine ever created—the human body!

  • Over 100 anatomical illustrations of 70 muscles in action, detailed and in full color
  • Over 75 exercises to increase your flexibility and strength
  • Expert instructions for exercises for strength training and gym fitness, stretching and flexibility training, yoga, Pilates, and bodybuilding
  • Learn how each exercise works and understand how it shapes the body, with the science of movement, training concepts, and fitness principles
  • Perfect for beginners and advanced fitness practitioners alike, this is the must-have exercise reference for fitness enthusiasts

Using detailed anatomical illustrations, New Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training provides you with visual insight into what happens to the human organic machine during exercise—muscles and tendons working in concert to strengthen your body’s building blocks.

Table of Contents



Foreword to the new edition
What’s new in this edition
How this book works
Your body: quick guide to the musculoskeletal system
Your body: quick guide to joints and movements
Training concepts and principles
Training options
Scaling guide

1: Pre-Training Warm-Up
Squat push press
Standing torso rotations
Bend and reach
Multidirectional lunges
Seated stride into saw stretch
Walking arm swings
Heel kicks
2: Abdominals, Stabilization, and Balance
Posture primer
Abdominal stabilization program
Transverse activation in 4-point kneeling
Forward stability ball roll
Plank pose stabilization
Bodyweight leaning side abdominal
Double leg bridge with shoulder flexion
Ball bridge
Bodyweight crunches
Bodyweight sit-ups
Hanging leg raises
Standing squat (BOSU balance trainer)
3: Compound and Power Exercises
Bent leg good morning
Bodyweight/air squat
Back squat
Front squat
Overhead squat
Barbell standing shoulder press
Push press/push jerk
Barbell bent leg dead lift
Medicine ball clean
Sumo dead lift high pull
Power clean
Power snatch
Low alternating wave with battle ropes
Kettlebell swing
4: Legs and Hips
Barbell lunge
Freestanding lateral lunge
Bench step
Freestanding barbell plié squats
Seesaw with ball
5: Plyometrics and Explosive Conditioning
Standing jump and reach
Box jumps
Wall balls
4-point burpee
6: Chest
Bodyweight modified push-ups
Dumbbell bench press
Barbell bench press
Dumbbell flat bench flyes
Bodyweight dips
7: Back and Shoulders
Machine cable front lat pulldown
Bodyweight chin-ups
Standing cable pullover
Barbell bent-over rows
Bent-over one-arm dumbbell rows
Dumbbell seated shoulder press
Seated low cable pulley rows
Alternate arm and leg raises on ball
Back extension apparatus
Prone back extension on ball
Seated bent-over dumbbell raises on ball
Upright rows with EZ bar
Rotator cuff stabilization with TheraBand
8: Arms
Dumbbell seated overhead tricep extension on a ball
Supine barbell French curl
Barbell triceps press
Standing barbell curl
9: Aerobic and Metabolic Training
Skipping/jump rope
Aerobic machines
Jogging and running
10: Post-Training Cool-Down and Workout
Supine legs to chest
Side-to-side hip rolls
Supine gluteal stretch
Supine lying single-leg hamstring stretch
Supine lying deep external rotators stretch
Seated rotation
Kneeling iliopsoas stretch
Standing chest and anterior shoulder stretch
Neck and shoulder stretch
Standing triceps stretch
Seated side stretch on ball
Ball shoulder stretch
Full-body stretch
Spine roll
Plank to downward-facing dog
Child stretch

About the Author

Born into an eclectic family surrounded by books and six spoken languages, Dr. Mark Vella, ND, developed a deep curiosity for learning and understanding the anatomy and physiology of life from an early age. He started his first personal training and lifestyle consultancy in 1991, paired with an extensive lecturing and course development career in the wellness and exercise sciences. Having held multiple fitness qualifications, including American Council on Exercise and Exercise Teachers Academy, Mark furthered his studies into neuromuscular bodywork and Natural Medicine before advancing his professional practice towards mentoring individuals and organizations to exceptional performance at work, at home, and in life, guiding them to make better choices that produce real results. As a behavioral specialist drawing on his wellness and business background, his thoughtleading work combines emotional intelligence, lifestyle medicine, governance principles, and entrepreneurial and strategic thinking. Mark is registered as a Naturopathic Doctor with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa. He holds a Business Management Honors from The University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. He has authored and designed over 30 wellness programs, courses, and qualifications, including the world’s first Internet and call center protocol database in Natural Medicine. His books have sold over 180,000 copies and have been translated into nine languages. With anatomy still a first love, his Training and Movement Anatomy Workshops draw
on an integrated functional approach widely applicable to bodyworkers, personal trainers, coaches, and yoga teachers. In addition to his own workshops, Mark still lectures for the Body Arts and Science International (BASI). Further details can be found at www.movementanatomy.com. Further information on his mentorship practice can be found at www.markvella.net

Product Details

Publisher: IMM Lifestyle Books

Publication Year: 2018

Author: Mark Vella

ISBN 978-1-5048-0051-8
eISBN 9781607655688

Illustrations: Color

Number of Pages: 378

Book Format: eBook, PDF

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