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Includes all five sport-performance series books. Must-have resource for strength and conditioning professionals, athletic trainers, and personal trainers. Also great for students in strength and conditioning or allied fields.  ($116.75 value).

Developing Agility and Quickness helps athletes blow past those barriers thanks to the top sport conditioning authority in the world, the National Strength and Conditioning Association. NSCA hand-picked its top experts to present the best training advice, drills, and programs for optimizing athletes’ linear and lateral movements. Make Developing Agility and Quickness a key part of your conditioning program, and get a step ahead of the competition.

Developing Endurance- Athletes and coaches will appreciate the assessment tools, analyses, and instruction to define specific needs and establish effective training goals. Armed with these tools and information, you can create the ideal personalized training program for your sport and avoid lengthy plateaus while taking performance to the highest level.

Written by eight of the top National Strength and Conditioning Association experts, Developing Speed is your guide to elite-level speed development, regardless of your sport. In addition to the scientific coverage of speed development, this guide helps you assess your current ability and identify your areas of greatest need. Using this information, along with the most effective drills and exercises, you’ll have the tools and information for creating your own speed development program.

Basketball, football, soccer, golf, baseball, tennis—no matter what your sort, Developing the Core will place you on the path to success and your strongest midsection ever.

In Developing Power, you’ll find research-based recommendations from the world’s leading experts on power development. With exercises and drills, assessments, analysis, and programming, this book will elevate power and performance in all sports.


Developing Endurance

Runners, cyclists, swimmers, rowers, triathletes, and ultradistance athletes must sustain performance at a high level to come out on top. Developing Endurance shows how to achieve optimal stamina to race your best through science-based aerobic, anaerobic, and resistance training.

  • eBook, PDF
  • © 2012
  • 389 pages

Developing Endurance

Written by 11 top experts in the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the top sport conditioning organization in the world, this guide provides both the background information and the exercises, drills, workouts, and programs for ultimate results.

Athletes and coaches will appreciate the assessment tools, analyses, and instruction to define specific needs and establish effective training goals. Armed with these tools and information, you can create the ideal personalized training program for your sport and avoid lengthy plateaus while taking performance to the highest level.

Chapter 1: Physiology of Endurance Sport Training
Chapter 2: Endurance Tests and Assessments
Chapter 3: Endurance Training Principles and Considerations
Chapter 4: Endurance Sport Nutrition and Hydration
Chapter 5: Aerobic Endurance Development
Chapter 6: Anaerobic and Muscle Endurance Development
Chapter 7: Resistance Training Programs for Endurance Sports
Chapter 8: Running
Chapter 9: Cycling
Chapter 10: Swimming
Chapter 11: Triathlon

Developing the Core

The world’s leading organization in the field of sport conditioning, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), brings you the authoritative resource on strengthening the core to maximize sport performance. With contributions by 17 of the top names in sport training, conditioning, and science, Developing the Core features over 50 of the most effective exercises, science-based assessment tools, sport-specific programs, and expert advice for developing a personalized core program.

  • © 2014
  • eBook, PDF
  • 224 pages


Elite-level athletes take great pride in their fitness and physical strength. You can’t help but notice the muscular legs or well-defined arms. However, whether they are known for a powerful golf swing or a hard hockey slap shot, the best athletes all have one thing in common—a strong and well-conditioned core.

Basketball, football, soccer, golf, baseball, tennis—no matter what your sort, Developing the Core will place you on the path to success and your strongest midsection ever.

Part I Essentials of Core Development
Chapter 1: Core Anatomy and Biomechanics
Chapter 2: Core Assessment
Chapter 3: Core Muscle Activity During Exercise
Chapter 4: Core Development Exercises and Drills
Chapter 5: Core Programming

Part II Sport-Specific Core Development
Chapter 6: Baseball and Softball
Chapter 7: Basketball
Chapter 8: Football
Chapter 9: Golf
Chapter 10: Ice Hockey
Chapter 11: Soccer
Chapter 12: Swimming
Chapter 13: Tennis
Chapter 14: Track and Field
Chapter 15: Volleyball
Chapter 16: Wrestling

Developing Speed

Written by eight of the top National Strength and Conditioning Association experts, Developing Speed is your guide to elite-level speed development, regardless of your sport. In addition to the scientific coverage of speed development, this guide helps you assess your current ability and identify your areas of greatest need. Using this information, along with the most effective drills and exercises, you’ll have the tools and information for creating your own speed development program.

  • © 2013
  • 224 pages
  • eBook, PDF


Athletes in all sports rely on speed. Whether it involves sprinting down the court on a fast break or chasing a loose ball, speed often contributes to overall athletic ability. Developing Speed teaches you how to elevate your speed in a scientifically based manner that will have you blowing by the competition.

If increasing your athletic speed is what you’re seeking, then look no further. With the cutting-edge information packed into this one resource, you’ll achieve new personal bests and reach your most aggressive goals. Developing Speed is the only tool you need to develop your personal program and take your speed to the highest level!

Chapter 1: The Nature of Speed
Chapter 2: Technical Models of Speed
Chapter 3: Technical Development of Linear Speed
Chapter 4: Assessment of Speed
Chapter 5: Developing Sport-Specific Speed
Chapter 6: Sport-Specific Speed Training

Developing Power


With exercises and drills, assessments, analysis, and programming, this book will elevate power and performance in all sports. In Developing Power, you’ll find research-based recommendations from the world’s leading experts on power development.

  • © 2017
  • eBook, PDF
  • 265 pages


Coverage includes the following:

  • Assessment protocols for testing jumps, throws, and ballistic exercises
  • Step-by-step instructions for exercises and drills for upper body, lower body, and total body power
  • Guidance on how to add progressions safely and effectively for continued development
  • Multiple training methods, such as explosive weight training, Olympic lifts, and plyometrics
  • Ready-to-use programs for 12 of the world’s most popular sports, including basketball, rugby, soccer, football (American), volleyball, baseball, track and field, swimming, wrestling, golf, rowing, and winter sports

Leaving no topic uncovered, Developing Power is the most comprehensive resource dedicated to increasing athletic power. These are the exercises, programs, and protocols being used at the highest levels of sport and performance. With Developing Power, the experts at NSCA are ready to elevate your power.



Part I: Essentials of Power Development
Chapter 1. Nature of Power
Chapter 2. Assessment of Power
Chapter 3. Periodization and Power Integration
Chapter 4. Power Training for Different Populations

Part II: Exercises for Power Development
Chapter 5. Upper Body Power Exercises
Chapter 6. Lower Body Power Exercises
Chapter 7. Total Body Power Exercises
Chapter 8. Advanced Power Techniques

Part III: Sport-Specific Power Development
Chapter 9. Team Sport Power Training
Chapter 10. Individual Sport Power Training

About the NSCA
About the Editor
About the Contributors

Developing Agility and Quickness-2nd Edition


Most competitive sports require rapid whole-body movements in which athletes need to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction in response to game situations. That’s why coaches, athletes, and strength and conditioning professionals are constantly searching for the most effective ways to improve agility and quickness.

  • eBook, PDF
  • ©2018
  • 289 pages


As the world’s leading organization in the field of sport conditioning, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is at the forefront of such knowledge. In Developing Agility and Quickness, Second Edition, 19 of the NSCA’s leading experts provide evidence-based assessment tools, exercises, drills, and training regimens to achieve that aim:

  • More than 130 drills—with instructions, photos, and diagrams—offer a smorgasbord of proven activities to enhance athletes’ ability to rapidly accelerate or decelerate in three dimensions.
  • Twelve agility and quickness tests provide gauges of present abilities and methods to measure progress.
  • Guidelines for tailoring training to specific needs present a blueprint for increasing change of direction speed and explosive movement.
  • New chapters on warm-up methods and age and sex considerations prepare athletes to get the most from their training.
  • Sport-specific training plans foster peak performance for athletes in 15 specific sports.

Developing Agility and Quickness is an essential training guide for athletes and coaches seeking to excel in today’s fast-action sports. The drills and training programs in this book will get you a step ahead of the competition, whether you’re on the court or on the turf.


Key to Diagrams

Chapter 1. Developing Change of Direction Speed
Chapter 2. Factors Determining Quickness
Chapter 3. Warm-Up Methods and Techniques for Agility Training
Chapter 4. Age and Sex Considerations
Chapter 5. Testing, Assessment, and Monitoring of Agility and Quickness
Chapter 6. Change of Direction Speed Drills
Chapter 7. Quickness Drills
Chapter 8. Agility and Quickness Program Design
Chapter 9. Sport-Specific Agility and Quickness Training
Baseball and Softball
Combat Sports
Field Hockey
Football (American or Gridiron)
Ice Hockey

About the NSCA
About the Editor
About the Contributors
Contributors to the Previous Edition

Audiences-Athletes and professionals working with athletes, including strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, and sport coaches.

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