
Yoga Anatomy 2nd Edition

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This is the ultimate reference for yoga practitioners, instructors and enthusiasts alike! The best-selling anatomy guide for yoga is now updated, expanded and better than ever! With more asanas, vinyasas, full-colour anatomical illustrations and in-depth information, the second edition of «Yoga Anatomy» provides you with a deeper understanding of the structures and principles underlying each movement and of yoga itself. From breathing to inversions to standing poses, see how specific muscles respond to the movements of the joints; how alterations of a pose can enhance or reduce effectiveness and how the spine, breathing and body position are all fundamentally linked. With «Yoga Anatomy», authors Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews both internationally recognised experts and teachers in anatomy, breathing and bodywork, have created the ultimate reference for yoga practitioners, instructors and enthusiasts alike.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page






Chapter 1: Dynamics of Breathing

Chapter 2: Yoga and the Spine

Chapter 3: Skeletal System

Chapter 4: Muscular System

Chapter 5: Inside the Asanas

Chapter 6: Standing Poses

Chapter 7: Sitting Poses

Chapter 8: Kneeling Poses

Chapter 9: Supine Poses

Chapter 10: Prone Poses

Chapter 11: Arm Support Poses

Bibliography and Resources

Asana Indexes in Sanskrit and English

Joint Index

Muscle Index

About the Authors

About the Illustrator

From the Publisher

Mahamudra combines axial extension, a twisting action, and all three bandhas.


The Premier Publisher for Sports & Fitness.

  • Science-based programs
  • Authoritative authors
  • Full-color images
  • Popular anatomy series has sold over 3.1 million copies

Yoga Anatomy

The best-selling anatomy guide for yoga

Now updated, expanded, and better than ever.

  • More full-color anatomical illustrations and in-depth information
  • More more asanas and vinyasas

See Inside Every Yoga Pose to Develop a Better Understanding of Each Movement





Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

One-Legged Royal Pigeon Pose.

Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana

Revolved Side Angle Pose.


Apana Pose, Wind Release Pose.

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Extended Side Angle Pose.


Over 600,000 Copies Sold

The best-selling anatomy guide features full-color anatomical illustrations and in-depth information to improve your yoga practice.

About the Author

Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the tradition of TKV Desikachar, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic uses of yoga. Amy Matthews has been teaching movement since 1994. She is a certified Laban movement analyst, a body and mind-centering teacher and an infant developmental movement.

Product Details

Publisher: Human Kinetics

ISBN: 978-1450400244


Page Count: 276

Book Format: eBook, PDF

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